High-Quality Instructional Materials Bring Learning Alive!

In the ever-evolving world of education, new social studies materials are constantly being developed. High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) stand out by offering the support teachers need and engaging students while building essential skills for effective learning. But what makes HQIM truly impactful? A recent RAND report sheds light on this, revealing that HQIM not only improve student performance but also save teachers valuable time and promote fairness for all students.

TCI’s social studies programs exemplify HQIM by:

  • meeting state standards
  • using effective social studies practices
  • featuring multiple perspectives and diverse sources
  • being easy to use
  • offering ample learning support with scaffolding strategies
  • providing formative and summative assessments

With these features, TCI can transform your classroom and significantly improve student learning outcomes.

Meeting State Standards

TCI’s programs are carefully designed to align with state standards, empowering educators to confidently teach content that meets educational goals. Additionally, TCI’s social studies programs align with the C3 Framework by integrating inquiry-based learning, disciplinary literacy, and civic engagement.

Use TCI’s correlations tool to see how our social studies materials align with your state’s standards.

Effective Social Studies Practices

Active learning is at the heart of TCI’s programs. TCI’s innovative approach to social studies uses research-based teaching strategies to engage students in inquiry, analysis of primary and secondary sources, and building essential social studies skills and literacy.

In a TCI classroom, students make sense of maps, investigate primary and secondary sources, tackle Timeline Challenges to understand cause and effect, and explore inquiry pathways. This productive struggle helps them develop disciplinary literacy and critical thinking skills. Want to dig into inquiry? Explore inquiry projects: Elementary School | Middle School | High School

Multiple Perspectives, Diverse Sources

Engaging with diverse sources helps students broaden their understanding and prepare to thrive in our interconnected world. TCI’s programs weave multiple perspectives into reading and activities through primary source investigations, biographies, and rich videos and images. Plus, our materials support teachers in tackling tough topics and creating a respectful classroom environment. Students reviewing placard


TCI’s flexible print and digital materials are intuitive and easy to use. Comprehensive teacher support—including teacher guides, slideshows, answer keys, differentiated instruction guides, and pacing guides—supports your planning and instruction.

Our digital platform also integrates seamlessly with learning management systems, simplifying assigning and grading. Whether you prefer print or digital, TCI ensures everything runs smoothly in your classroom.

Scaffolding for Learning Support

Scaffolding is essential for effective learning, helping students progressively build their understanding of new concepts and skills. TCI’s programs, grounded in Jerome Bruner’s spiral curriculum, ensure that learning is scaffolded at each stage. Each lesson starts with a Preview activity that taps into prior knowledge and connects to the main concepts. Social studies skills are modeled throughout the lesson, and students have ample opportunities for practice and feedback, allowing them to strengthen their skills and content knowledge.

Support for Students

TCI also offers a range of tools and activities to provide extra support for students, making it easier for teachers to support learning in the classroom:

  • Reading Tools: Features like leveled reading, text-to-speech, and highlighting help enhance reading comprehension. TCI also provides English language support tools.
  • Differentiated Instructions: Each lesson includes adaptable guidance to meet the needs of all learners.
  • Activities: Every lesson offers a variety of activity options, so you can choose what works best for your students.

Implementation and Professional Learning

TCI also provides ongoing implementation support and professional learning opportunities, including virtual and in-person training and self-paced courses. The TCI Coach program offers ongoing guidance and helps build a supportive teacher community within your district or school.

TCI Professional Development


Formative and Summative Assessments

TCI’s assessment system includes pre-assessments, formative assessments, and summative assessments, allowing you to gauge student progress in many ways and provide a comprehensive picture of their learning. With TCI’s grade book, you can gain an overview of class trends or delve into individual student performance. Use these insights to identify key concepts that need reinforcement and to monitor class progress throughout the year.

In an active classroom environment, teachers have many options for student assessment. Along with notebook questions and tests, you can assess student performance through daily activities, group work, and writing assignments. Explore these assessment strategies to use alongside TCI’s hands-on activities.

Sample TCI’s High-Quality Programs

Are you ready to Bring Learning Alive in your classroom? Contact us to access reviewer resources, get a quote, or explore samples, including student materials, teacher materials, and TCI’s digital platform. Request a sample

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