Free Social Studies Lessons

Election Year

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Cover voting, good citizenship, and the foundations of government with these free TCI lessons, including:

  • Decision Making in Government: Learn how leaders make decisions through voting. Model the democratic process in the classroom through voting on new rules for the class.
  • Evaluating Candidates for Public Office: It’s important to consider various characteristics in evaluating candidates for public office. Use this tool to evaluate the candidates in a political race.
  • Researching a Public Issue: Research is essential to understanding unfamiliar issues. Use these questions to evaluate the information you find in your research.

Introduction to Social Studies

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Need a lesson to kick off the year? Check out these free lessons and primary source activities in Foundations of Social Studies to set the stage for the rest of the school year.

  • What Are the Social Sciences?: Find and share artifacts from home that represent economics, geography, civics, and history.
  • Investigating the Past: Act as a “history detective”! Learn about the past by asking questions and conducting inquiries.
  • America’s Founding Ideals: Examine primary sources to study the influence of the ideals in the Declaration of Independence.

Labor Day

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Discover the history of Labor Day and learn about labor organizers and their work.

  • Free Lessons:  How Do Americans Celebrate?, The Labor Movement, and Human Capital and the Labor Market
  • Biographies:May Chen, Nelson Cruikshank, Gilberto Gerena Valentín, Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong, and Rose Schneiderman

Current Events Toolkit

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The Current Events Toolkit provides a structure for bringing current events into the curriculum. It includes strategies for navigating current events with your students. Resources include:

  • Strategies: Guide students through identifying perspectives, analyzing new stories, and discussing current events.
  • Graphic organizers: Main Idea /Detail, 5W’s, Evaluation Web
  • Class discussions: Sentence starters, speaking and listening checklists, and more
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