Free Science Investigations


From prickly plants to carnivorous ones, explore the fascinating world of plants with your class. Free lessons and career profiles, in this collection, include:

  • Ouch! A Prickly Plant: Learn about how the spines on a cactus help it survive in a dry area.
  • Plants That Trap Insects: Read about carnivorous plants, then develop a testable question and conduct an original investigation in this open inquiry activity.
  • Engineering Challenge: Designing a Seed Dispersal Device: Help Nana grow a garden in the empty lot near her house by engineering a seed dispersal device.
  • Career Profiles: Environmental Scientists, Foresters, Chief Sustainability Officers.

Baseball Season

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Baseball Stadium

What is the science behind baseball? In this collection of free lessons, your students learn about baseball traditions, explore the relationship between kinetic energy and mass, and more!

  • Take Me Out to the Ball Game: Read or sing the song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” to learn about traditions.
  • Play Ball!: Explore how the weight of a ball changes how it moves and what you can observe. Think about how this impacts the game of baseball.
  • Measuring Kinetic Energy: How can pitchers throw a baseball faster? Do the math! Learn how to calculate the relationship between kinetic energy and mass.

For Earth Day, explore ways to take care of the planet. Free lessons in this collection include:

  • How Can I Take Care of the World?: Sing along to “Go Green” to learn what it means to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • People’s Everyday Lives Affect Earth’s Systems: Students identify examples of how daily activities affect Earth’s systems. They then research how daily activities impact the Earth.
  • Cleaning Up Ocean Plastics: Dig into the problem of plastic pollution. Then, explore engineering solutions, including a snail robot that cleans up microplastics.

Women’s History Month reminds us to elevate and celebrate women scientists. Explore free lessons, videos, and biographies for K-12 classrooms:

  • Free Lessons: Explore the impact of scientists like Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, and Ada Lovelace with quick classroom activities.
  • Biography Video: Watch a video about the life of Marie Curie.
  • Additional Biographies: Learn about Isabella Aiona Abbott and Ruth Ella Moore.
Discover What Inspiration Looks Like

Celebrate Arbor Day by learning its history and how scientists are studying trees to understand and preserve the environment. Resources in this collection include:

  • A Special Day for Trees: Learn about the history of Arbor Day, then become an erosion detective!
  • Getting into the Treetops: Explore how scientists use technology to study trees high above the ground, then plan your own investigation to learn more.
  • Land Use Conflict in the Amazon Rainforest: Create and present news reports about groups with competing interests in how to preserve and use the resources of the Amazon rainforest.
  • Featured Career Profiles: Environmental scientists, foresters, chief sustainability officers.
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